Hello! I'm Kristin,
A multidisciplinary designer with 7+ years of experience, I have had the opportunity to work within and learn the ropes at marketing agencies, in-house corporate offices, fast-paced design studios, and startups. I have a strong passion for visual storytelling and crafting user experiences with a background in environmental design, branded interiors, book covers, web development, print publications, social media asset creation, and many others. I love diving in and conducting research in order to be the best steward of a brand or subject matter, as well as to best understand audiences and impacted communities.
In 2017 I graduated from the University of Kansas having yet to explore the world of environmental design. My senior internship turned first career job at DesignHaus Studios shifted my entire trajectory, introducing me to the 3D world, opening my eyes to all that could be done as a graphic designer. Eager to learn more, I tried to absorb as much as I could at the studio: 3D material selection, website wire-framing, working with publishing houses and fabricators. Looking back, I am beyond grateful for each learning I have had in every position I have held. And looking forward I cannot wait to continue learning and discovering what's next.
Thanks for visiting!
P.S. | Checkout the passions tab to see the latest explorations I am working on!
P.S. | Checkout the passions tab to see the latest explorations I am working on!